The association

A message from the committee chair

The Italian author, Italo Calvino, has written by the end of his life a little but amazing booklet where he makes " six proposals for the next millennium":

1. Lightness
2. Rapidity
3. Exactitude
4. Visibility
5. Multiplicity
6. Consistency

But I think it may be useful to apply these criteria to organizations, like e.g. "Les Musiciens d'Europe", in order to see how well they are adapted to the realities of the future.

It is then striking to see that we have quite a number of good trumps in our hands!
We are an organization that is extremely "light" and absolutely not expensive.
We are very "rapid": we have proven to be able to stage brilliant spectacles of high quality in a record time.
We could make still more progress on "visibilité" (notwithstanding recent good efforts): our orchestra should merit to be far more widely known. Our projects, from a cultural and social point of view, are absolutely exemplary!
And the European "multiplicity" of our members, which is an essential character of our organization, should be further enlarged. By the way, we do not limit ourselves to Europe: we played in China, in India...

These reflections I believe have a lot of meaning today, at the start of our 25th season. Multiplicity will characterize the whole season.

After a Baroque autumn of 2019, we will present in the spring of 2020 a very festive program to celebrate our 25th anniversary. A quarter of a century, 25 years, what a beautiful age!
We will play three concerts, in Samoens, in Alsace and in Belgium with Stravinsky's Firebird, Mahler's Adagietto (from symphony 5), and "Variations on the theme of Happy Birthday" a real masterpiece, due to two Belgian very little known musicians, where every variation is written in the pure style of a great European composer. The "exactitude" and "consistency" of these various styles are absolutely breathtaking...

In the framework the Franz Curti Festival that will take place in Switzerland during May 2020, you will discover " Die Gletscherjungfrau", an oratorio of the Swiss composer, Franz Curti, famous ancestor of our director Jean-Marie Curti. He was a friend and singer of Richard Wagner.

And we will continue the season in July in Bourg-en-Bresse with two prestigious works, Mozart's Requiem and Verdi's Nabucco. Finally the baroque program will be repeated in August in the marvellous Abbey of Fontenay near Dijon.

So, let us finish again with an Italian birthday-saying: A MILLE ANNI !!! Long life to our orchestra!

The Président, Piet Steenackers

August 2019

The committee

Function Name
President - Promotion Piet Steenackers
Vice President Camille Roquelaure
Vice-President, Production Cendrine Lambert
Association secretary Laure Bonnemaison
Administrator, treasurer and orchestra secretary Christine Mazingue
Artistic director Jean-Marie Curti
Assistant artistic director Baptiste Vandevoghel
Promotion Frédéric Bara
Promotion Alain Bonne
Promotion Laurent Cravic
Promotion Jens Rönnfeldt
Stage manager, social media manager Marion Jeanson
Search for musicians Estelle Persiaux

The statutes

Consult the statutes of the association.

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